pdf Topology-Aware Space Distortion for Structured Visualization Spaces ↗
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We propose topology-aware space distortion (TASD), a family of interactive layout techniques for non-linearly distorting geometric space based on user attention and on the structure of the visual representation. TASD seamlessly adapts the visual substrate of any visualization to give more screen real estate to important regions of the representation at the expense of less important regions. In this paper, we present a concrete TASD technique that we call ZoomHalo for interactively distorting a two-dimensional space based on a degree-of-interest (DOI) function defined for the space. Using this DOI function, ZoomHalo derives several areas of interest, computes the available space around each area in relation to other areas and the current viewport extents, and then dynamically expands (or shrinks) each area given user input. We use our prototype to evaluate the technique in two user studies, as well as showcase examples of TASD for node-link diagrams, word clouds, and geographical maps.