pdf InsideInsights: Integrating Data‐Driven Reporting in Collaborative Visual Analytics ↗
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Analyzing complex data is a non‐linear process that alternates between identifying discrete facts and developing overall assessments and conclusions. In addition, data analysis rarely occurs in solitude; multiple collaborators can be engaged in the same analysis, or intermediate results can be reported to stakeholders. However, current data‐driven communication tools are detached from the analysis process and promote linear stories that forego the hierarchical and branching nature of data analysis, which leads to either too much or too little detail in the final report. We propose a conceptual design for integrated data‐driven reporting that allows for iterative structuring of insights into hierarchies linked to analytic provenance and chosen analysis views. The hierarchies become dynamic and interactive reports where collaborators can review and modify the analysis at a desired level of detail. Our web‐based InsideInsights system provides interaction techniques to annotate states of analytic components, structure annotations, and link them to appropriate presentation views. We demonstrate the generality and usefulness of our system with two use cases and a qualitative expert review.
pdf Vistribute: Distributing Interactive Visualizations in Dynamic Multi-Device Setups ↗
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We present Vistribute, a framework for the automatic distribution of visualizations and UI components across multiple heterogeneous devices. Our framework consists of three parts: (i) a design space considering properties and relationships of interactive visualizations, devices, and user preferences in multi-display environments; (ii) specific heuristics incorporating these dimensions for guiding the distribution for a given interface and device ensemble; and (iii) a web-based implementation instantiating these heuristics to automatically generate a distribution as well as providing interaction mechanisms for user-defined adaptations. In contrast to existing UI distribution systems, we are able to infer all required information by analyzing the visualizations and devices without relying on additional input provided by users or programmers. In a qualitative study, we let experts create their own distributions and rate both other manual distributions and our automatic ones. We found that all distributions provided comparable quality, hence validating our framework.
pdf Vistrates: A Component Model for Ubiquitous Analytics ↗
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Visualization tools are often specialized for specic tasks, which turns the user's analytical workow into a fragmented process performed across many tools. In this paper, we present a component model design for data visualization to promote modular designs of visualization tools that enhance their analytical scope. Rather than fragmenting tasks across tools, the component model supports unification, where components—the building blocks of this model—can be assembled to support a wide range of tasks. Furthermore, the model also provides additional key properties, such as support for collaboration, sharing across multiple devices, and adaptive usage depending on expertise, from creating visualizations using dropdown menus, through instantiating components, to actually modifying components or creating entirely new ones from scratch using JavaScript or Python source code. To realize our model, we introduce Vistrates, a literate computing platform for developing, assembling, and sharing visualization components. From a visualization perspective, Vistrates features cross-cutting components for visual representations, interaction, collaboration, and device responsiveness maintained in a component repository. From a development perspective, Vistrates offers a collaborative programming environment where novices and experts alike can compose component pipelines for specific analytical activities. Finally, we present several Vistrates use cases that span the full range of the classic "anytime" and "anywhere" motto for ubiquitous analysis: from mobile and on-the-go usage, through office settings, to collaborative smart environments covering a variety of tasks and devices.