pdf uxSense: Supporting User Experience Analysis with Visualization and Computer Vision ↗
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Analyzing user behavior from usability evaluation can be a challenging and time-consuming task, especially as the number of participants and the scale and complexity of the evaluation grows. We propose UXSENSE, a visual analytics system using machine learning methods to extract user behavior from audio and video recordings as parallel time-stamped data streams. Our implementation draws on pattern recognition, computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning to extract user sentiment, actions, posture, spoken words, and other features from such recordings. These streams are visualized as parallel timelines in a web-based front-end, enabling the researcher to search, filter, and annotate data across time and space. We present the results of a user study involving professional UX researchers evaluating user data using uxSense. In fact, we used uxSense itself to evaluate their sessions.
pdf A Scanner Deeply: Predicting Gaze Heatmaps on Visualizations Using Crowdsourced Eye Movement Data ↗
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Visual perception is a key component of data visualization. Much prior empirical work uses eye movement as a proxy to understand human visual perception. Diverse apparatus and techniques have been proposed to collect eye movements, but there is still no optimal approach. In this paper, we review 30 prior works for collecting eye movements based on three axes: (1) the tracker technology used to measure eye movements; (2) the image stimulus shown to participants; and (3) the collection methodology used to gather the data. Based on this taxonomy, we employ a webcam-based eyetracking approach using task-specific visualizations as the stimulus. The low technology requirement means that virtually anyone can participate, thus enabling us to collect data at large scale using crowdsourcing: approximately 12,000 samples in total. Choosing visualization images as stimulus means that the eye movements will be specific to perceptual tasks associated with visualization. We use these data to propose a Scanner Deeply, a virtual eyetracker model that, given an image of a visualization, generates a gaze heatmap for that image. We employ a computationally efficient, yet powerful convolutional neural network for our model. We compare the results of our work with results from the DVS model and a neural network trained on the Salicon dataset. The analysis of our gaze patterns enables us to understand how users grasp the structure of visualized data. We also make our stimulus dataset of visualization images available as part of this paper’s contribution.
pdf Fitting Bell Curves to Data Distributions using Visualization ↗
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idealized probability distributions, such as normal or other curves, lie at the root of confirmatory statistical tests. But how well do people understand these idealized curves? In practical terms, does the human visual system allow us to match sample data distributions with hypothesized population distributions from which those samples might have been drawn? And how do different visualization techniques impact this capability? This paper shares the results of a crowdsourced experiment that tested the ability of respondents to fit normal curves to four different data distribution visualizations: bar histograms, dotplot histograms, strip plots, and boxplots. We find that the crowd can estimate the center (mean) of a distribution with some success and little bias. We also find that people generally overestimate the standard deviation—which we dub the “umbrella effect” because people tend to want to cover the whole distribution using the curve, as if sheltering it from the heavens above—and that strip plots yield the best accuracy.
pdf Sensemaking Sans Power: Interactive Data Visualization Using Color-Changing Ink ↗
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We present an approach for interactively visualizing data using color-changing inks without the need for electronic displays or computers. Color-changing inks are a family of physical inks that change their color characteristics in response to an external stimulus such as heat, UV light, water, and pressure. Visualizations created using color-changing inks can embed interactivity in printed material without external computational media. In this paper, we survey current color-changing ink technology and then use these findings to derive a framework for how it can be used to construct interactive data representations. We also enumerate the interaction techniques possible using this technology. We then show some examples of how to use color-changing ink to create interactive visualizations on paper. While obviously limited in scope to situations where no power or computing is present, or as a complement to digital displays, our findings can be employed for paper, data physicalization, and embedded visualizations.
pdf Roslingifier: Semi-Automated Storytelling for Animated Scatterplots ↗
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We present Roslingifier, a data-driven storytelling method for animated scatterplots. Like its namesake, Hans Rosling (1948--2017), a professor of public health and a spellbinding public speaker, Roslingifier turns a sequence of entities changing over time---such as countries and continents with their demographic data---into an engaging narrative telling the story of the data. This data-driven storytelling method with an in-person presenter is a new genre of storytelling technique and has never been studied before. In this paper, we aim to define a design space for this new genre---data presentation---and provide a semi-automated authoring tool for helping presenters create quality presentations. From an in-depth analysis of video clips of presentations using interactive visualizations, we derive three specific techniques to achieve this: natural language narratives, visual effects that highlight events, and temporal branching that changes playback time of the animation. Our implementation of the Roslingifier method is capable of identifying and clustering significant movements, automatically generating visual highlighting and a narrative for playback, and enabling the user to customize. From two user studies, we show that Roslingifier allows users to effectively create engaging data stories and the system features help both presenters and viewers find diverse insights.
pdf Towards Understanding Sensory Substitution for Accessible Visualization: An Interview Study ↗
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For all its potential in supporting data analysis, particularly in exploratory situations, visualization also creates barriers: accessibility for blind and visually impaired individuals. Regardless of how effective a visualization is, providing equal access for blind users requires a paradigm shift for the visualization research community. To enact such a shift, it is not sufficient to treat visualization accessibility as merely another technical problem to overcome. Instead, supporting the millions of blind and visually impaired users around the world who have equally valid needs for data analysis as sighted individuals requires a respectful, equitable, and holistic approach that includes all users from the onset. In this paper, we draw on accessibility research methodologies to make inroads towards such an approach. We first identify the people who have specific insight into how blind people perceive the world: orientation and mobility (O&M) experts, who are instructors that teach blind individuals how to navigate the physical world using non-visual senses. We interview 10 O&M experts---all of them blind---to understand how best to use sensory substitution other than the visual sense for conveying spatial layouts. Finally, we investigate our qualitative findings using thematic analysis. While blind people in general tend to use both sound and touch to understand their surroundings, we focused on auditory affordances and how they can be used to make data visualizations accessible---using sonification and auralization. However, our experts recommended supporting a combination of senses---sound and touch---to make charts accessible as blind individuals may be more familiar with exploring tactile charts. We report results on both sound and touch affordances, and conclude by discussing implications for accessible visualization for blind individuals.
pdf Once Upon A Time In Visualization: Understanding the Use of Textual Narratives for Causality ↗
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Causality visualization can help people understand temporal chains of events, such as messages sent in a distributed system, cause and effect in a historical conflict, or the interplay between political actors over time. However, as the scale and complexity of these event sequences grows, even these visualizations can become overwhelming to use. In this paper, we propose the use of textual narratives as a data-driven storytelling method to augment causality visualization. We first propose a design space for how textual narratives can be used to describe causal data. We then present results from a crowdsourced user study where participants were asked to recover causality information from two causality visualizations--causal graphs and Hasse diagrams--with and without an associated textual narrative. Finally, we describe CAUSEWORKS, a causality visualization system for understanding how specific interventions influence a causal model. The system incorporates an automatic textual narrative mechanism based on our design space. We validate CAUSEWORKS through interviews with experts who used the system for understanding complex events.
pdf Revealing Perceptual Proxies with Adversarial Examples ↗
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Data visualizations convert numbers into visual marks so that our visual system can extract data from an image instead of raw numbers. Clearly, the visual system does not compute these values as a computer would, as an arithmetic mean or a correlation.Instead, it extracts these patterns using perceptual proxies; heuristic shortcuts of the visual marks, such as a center of mass or a shape envelope. Understanding which proxies people use would lead to more effective visualizations. We present the results of a series of crowdsourced experiments that measure how powerfully a set of candidate proxies can explain human performance when comparing the mean and range of pairs of data series presented as bar charts. We generated datasets where the correct answer---the series with the larger arithmetic mean or range---was pitted against an "adversarial" series that should be seen as larger if the viewer uses a particular candidate proxy. We used both Bayesian logistic regression models and a robust Bayesian mixed-effects linear model to measure how strongly each adversarial proxy could drive viewers to answer incorrectly and whether different individuals may use different proxies. Finally, we attempt to construct adversarial datasets from scratch, using an iterative crowdsourcing procedure to perform black-box optimization.
pdf Common Fate for Animated Transitions in Visualization ↗
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The Law of Common Fate from Gestalt psychology states that visual objects moving with the same velocity along parallel trajectories will be perceived by a human observer as grouped. However, the concept of common fate is much broader than mere velocity; in this paper we explore how common fate results from coordinated changes in luminance and size. We present results from a crowdsourced graphical perception study where we asked workers to make perceptual judgments on a series of trials involving four graphical objects under the influence of conflicting static and dynamic visual factors (position, size and luminance) used in conjunction. Our results yield the following rankings for visual grouping: motion > (dynamic luminance, size, luminance); dynamic size > (dynamic luminance, position); and dynamic luminance > size. We also conducted a follow-up experiment to evaluate the three dynamic visual factors in a more ecologically valid setting, using both a Gapminder-like animated scatterplot and a thematic map of election data. The results indicate that in practice the relative grouping strengths of these factors may depend on various parameters including the visualization characteristics and the underlying data. We discuss design implications for animated transitions in data visualization.
pdf There Is No Spoon: Evaluating Performance, Space Use, and Presence with Expert Domain Users in Immersive Analytics ↗
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Immersive analytics turns the very space surrounding the user into a canvas for data analysis, supporting human cognitive abilities in myriad ways. We present the results of a design study, contextual inquiry, and longitudinal evaluation involving professional economists using a Virtual Reality (VR) system for multidimensional visualization to explore actual economic data. Results from our preregistered evaluation highlight the varied use of space depending on context (exploration vs. presentation), the organization of space to support work, and the impact of immersion on navigation and orientation in the 3D analysis space.
pdf The Perceptual Proxies of Visual Comparison ↗
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Perceptual tasks in visualizations often involve comparisons. Of two sets of values depicted in two charts, which set had values that were the highest overall? Which had the widest range? Prior empirical work found that the performance on different visual comparison tasks (e.g., "biggest delta", "biggest correlation") varied widely across different combinations of marks and spatial arrangements. In this paper, we expand upon these combinations in an empirical evaluation of two new comparison tasks: the "biggest mean" and "biggest range" between two sets of values. We used a staircase procedure to titrate the difficulty of the data comparison to assess which arrangements produced the most precise comparisons for each task. We find visual comparisons of biggest mean and biggest range are supported by some chart arrangements more than others, and that this pattern is substantially different from the pattern for other tasks. To synthesize these dissonant findings, we argue that we must understand which features of a visualization are actually used by the human visual system to solve a given task. We call these perceptual proxies. For example, when comparing the means of two bar charts, the visual system might use a "Mean length" proxy that isolates the actual lengths of the bars and then constructs a true average across these lengths. Alternatively, it might use a "Hull Area" proxy that perceives an implied hull bounded by the bars of each chart and then compares the areas of these hulls. We propose a series of potential proxies across different tasks, marks, and spatial arrangements. Simple models of these proxies can be empirically evaluated for their explanatory power by matching their performance to human performance across these marks, arrangements, and tasks. We use this process to highlight candidates for perceptual proxies that might scale more broadly to explain performance in visual comparison.
pdf Information Olfactation: Harnessing Scent to Convey Data ↗
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Olfactory feedback for analytical tasks is a virtually unexplored area in spite of the advantages it offers for information recall, feature identification, and location detection. Here we introduce the concept of information olfactation as the fragrant sibling of information visualization, and discuss how scent can be used to convey data. Building on a review of the human olfactory system and mirroring common visualization practice, we propose olfactory marks, the substrate in which they exist, and their olfactory channels that are available to designers. To exemplify this idea, we present VISCENT: A six-scent stereo olfactory display capable of conveying olfactory glyphs of varying temperature and direction, as well as a corresponding software system that integrates the display with a traditional visualization display. Finally, we present three applications that make use of the viScent system: A 2D graph visualization, a 2D line and point chart, and an immersive analytics graph visualization in 3D virtual reality. We close the paper with a review of possible extensions of viScent and applications of information olfactation for general
pdf Face to Face: Evaluating Visual Comparison ↗
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Data are often viewed as a single set of values, but those values frequently must be compared with another set. The existing evaluations of designs that facilitate these comparisons tend to be based on intuitive reasoning, rather than quantifiable measures. We build on this work with a series of crowdsourced experiments that use low-level perceptual comparison tasks that arise frequently in comparisons within data visualizations (e.g., which value changes the most between the two sets of data?). Participants completed these tasks across a variety of layouts: overlaid, two arrangements of juxtaposed small multiples, mirror-symmetric small multiples, and animated transitions. A staircase procedure sought the difficulty level (e.g., value change delta) that led to equivalent accuracy for each layout. Confirming prior intuition, we observe high levels of performance for overlaid versus standard small multiples. However, we also find performance improvements for both mirror symmetric small multiples and animated transitions. While some results are incongruent with common wisdom in data visualization, they align with previous work in perceptual psychology, and thus have potentially strong implications for visual comparison designs.
pdf Elastic Documents: Coupling Text and Tables through Contextual Visualizations for Enhanced Document Reading ↗
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Today's data-rich documents are often complex datasets in themselves, consisting of information in different formats such as text, gures, and data tables. These additional media augment the textual narrative in the document. However, the static layout of a traditional for-print document often impedes deep understanding of its content because of the need to navigate to access content scattered throughout the text. In this paper, we seek to facilitate enhanced comprehension of such documents through a contextual visualization technique that couples text content with data tables contained in the document. We parse the text content and data tables, cross-link the components using a keyword-based matching algorithm, and generate on-demand visualizations based on the reader's current focus within a document. We evaluate this technique in a user study comparing our approach to a traditional reading experience. Results from our study show that (1) participants comprehend the content better with tighter coupling of text and data, (2) the contextual visualizations enable participants to develop better summaries that capture the main data-rich insights within the document, and (3) overall, our method enables participants to develop a more detailed understanding of the document content.
pdf Vistrates: A Component Model for Ubiquitous Analytics ↗
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Visualization tools are often specialized for specic tasks, which turns the user's analytical workow into a fragmented process performed across many tools. In this paper, we present a component model design for data visualization to promote modular designs of visualization tools that enhance their analytical scope. Rather than fragmenting tasks across tools, the component model supports unification, where components—the building blocks of this model—can be assembled to support a wide range of tasks. Furthermore, the model also provides additional key properties, such as support for collaboration, sharing across multiple devices, and adaptive usage depending on expertise, from creating visualizations using dropdown menus, through instantiating components, to actually modifying components or creating entirely new ones from scratch using JavaScript or Python source code. To realize our model, we introduce Vistrates, a literate computing platform for developing, assembling, and sharing visualization components. From a visualization perspective, Vistrates features cross-cutting components for visual representations, interaction, collaboration, and device responsiveness maintained in a component repository. From a development perspective, Vistrates offers a collaborative programming environment where novices and experts alike can compose component pipelines for specific analytical activities. Finally, we present several Vistrates use cases that span the full range of the classic "anytime" and "anywhere" motto for ubiquitous analysis: from mobile and on-the-go usage, through office settings, to collaborative smart environments covering a variety of tasks and devices.
pdf ATOM: A Grammar for Unit Visualization ↗
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Unit visualizations are a family of visualizations where every data item is represented by a unique visual mark---a visual unit---during visual encoding. For certain datasets and tasks, unit visualizations can provide more information, better match the user's mental model, and enable novel interactions compared to traditional aggregated visualizations. Current visualization grammars cannot fully describe the unit visualization family. In this paper, we characterize the design space of unit visualizations to derive a grammar that can express them. The resulting grammar is called ATOM, and is based on passing data through a series of layout operations that divide the output of previous operations recursively until the size and position of every data point can be determined. We evaluate the expressive power of the grammar by both using it to describe existing unit visualizations, as well as to suggest new unit visualizations.
pdf The Interactive Visualization Gap in Initial Exploratory Data Analysis ↗
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Data scientists and other analytic professionals often use interactive visualization in the dissemination phase at the end of a workflow during which findings are communicated to a wider audience. Visualization scientists, however, hold that interactive representation of data can also be used during exploratory analysis itself. Since the use of interactive visualization is optional rather than mandatory, this leaves a “visualization gap” during initial exploratory analysis that is the onus of visualization researchers to fill. In this paper, we explore areas where visualization would be beneficial in applied research by conducting a design study using a novel variation on contextual inquiry conducted with professional data analysts. Based on these interviews and experiments, we propose a set of interactive initial exploratory visualization guidelines which we believe will promote adoption by this type of user.
pdf ConceptVector: Text Visual Analytics via Interactive Lexicon Building using Word Embedding ↗
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Central to many text analysis methods is the notion of a concept: a set of semantically related keywords characterizing a specific object, phenomenon, or theme. Advances in word embedding allow building such concepts from a small set of seed terms. However, naive application of such techniques may result in false positive errors because of the polysemy of human language. To mitigate this problem, we present a visual analytics system called ConceptVector that guides the user in building such concepts and then using them to analyze documents. Document-analysis case studies with real-world datasets demonstrate the fine-grained analysis provided by ConceptVector. To support the elaborate modeling of concepts using user seed terms, we introduce a bipolar concept model and support for irrelevant words. We validate the interactive lexicon building interface via a user study and expert reviews. The quantitative evaluation shows that the bipolar lexicon generated with our methods is comparable to human-generated ones.
pdf Keshif: Rapid and Expressive Tabular Data Exploration for Novices ↗
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General purpose graphical interfaces for data exploration are typically based on manual visualization and interaction specifications. While designing manual specification can be very expressive, it demands high efforts to make effective decisions, therefore reducing exploratory speed. Instead, principled automated designs can increase exploratory speed, decrease learning efforts, help avoid ineffective decisions, and therefore better support data analytics novices. Towards these goals, we present Keshif, a new systematic design for tabular data exploration. To summarize a given dataset, Keshif aggregates records by value within attribute summaries, and visualizes aggregate characteristics using a consistent design based on data types. To reveal data distribution details, Keshif features three complementary linked selections: highlighting, filtering, and comparison. Keshif further increases expressiveness through aggregate metrics, absolute/part-of scale modes, calculated attributes, and saved selections, all working in synchrony. Its automated design approach also simplifies authoring of dashboards composed of summaries and individual records from raw data using fluid interaction. We show examples selected from 160+ datasets from diverse domains. Our study with novices shows that after exploring raw data for 15 minutes, our participants reached close to 30 data insights on average, comparable to other studies with skilled users using more complex tools.
pdf TopicLens: Efficient Multi-Level Visual Topic Exploration of Large-Scale Document Collections ↗
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Topic modeling, which reveals underlying topics of a document corpus, has been actively adopted in visual analytics for large-scale document collections. However, due to its significant processing time and non-interactive nature, topic modeling has so far not been tightly integrated into a visual analytics workflow. Instead, most such systems are limited to utilizing a fixed, initial set of topics. Motivated by this gap in the literature, we propose a novel interaction technique called TopicLens that allows a user to dynamically explore data through a lens interface where topic modeling and the corresponding 2D embedding are efficiently computed on the fly. To support this interaction in real time while maintaining view consistency, we propose a novel efficient topic modeling method and a semi-supervised 2D embedding algorithm. Our work is based on improving state-of-the-art methods such as nonnegative matrix factorization and t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding. Furthermore, we have built a web-based visual analytics system integrated with TopicLens. We use this system to measure the performance and the visualization quality of our proposed methods. We provide several scenarios showcasing the capability of TopicLens using real-world datasets.
pdf MotionFlow: Visual Abstraction and Aggregation of Sequential Patterns in Human Motion Tracking Data ↗
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Pattern analysis of human motions, which is useful in many research areas, requires understanding and comparison of different styles of motion patterns. However, working with human motion tracking data to support such analysis poses great challenges. In this paper, we propose MotionFlow, a visual analytics system that provides an effective overview of various motion patterns based on an interactive flow visualization. This visualization formulates a motion sequence as transitions between static poses, and aggregates these sequences into a tree diagram to construct a set of motion patterns. The system also allows the users to directly reflect the context of data and their perception of pose similarities in generating representative pose states. We provide local and global controls over the partition-based clustering process. To support the users in organizing unstructured motion data into pattern groups, we designed a set of interactions that enables searching for similar motion sequences from the data, detailed exploration of data subsets, and creating and modifying the group of motion patterns. To evaluate the usability of MotionFlow, we conducted a user study with six researchers with expertise in gesture-based interaction design. They used MotionFlow to explore and organize unstructured motion tracking data. Results show that the researchers were able to easily learn how to use MotionFlow, and the system effectively supported their pattern analysis activities, including leveraging their perception and domain knowledge.
pdf AggreSet: Rich and Scalable Set Exploration using Visualizations of Element Aggregations ↗
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Datasets commonly include multi-value (set-typed) attributes that describe set memberships over elements, such as genres per movie or courses taken per student. Set-typed attributes describe rich relations across elements, sets, and the set intersections. Increasing the number of sets results in a combinatorial growth of relations and creates scalability challenges. Exploratory tasks (e.g. selection, comparison) have commonly been designed in separation for set-typed attributes, which reduces interface consistency. To improve on scalability and to support rich, contextual exploration of set-typed data, we present AggreSet. AggreSet creates aggregations for each data dimension: sets, set-degrees, set-pair intersections, and other attributes. It visualizes the element count per aggregate using a matrix plot for set-pair intersections, and histograms for set lists, set-degrees and other attributes. Its non-overlapping visual design is scalable to numerous and large sets. AggreSet supports selection, filtering, and comparison as core exploratory tasks. It allows analysis of set relations inluding subsets, disjoint sets and set intersection strength, and also features perceptual set ordering for detecting patterns in set matrices. Its interaction is designed for rich and rapid data exploration. We demonstrate results on a wide range of datasets from different domains with varying characteristics, and report on expert reviews and a case study using student enrollment and degree data with assistant deans at a major public university.
pdf VisDock: A Toolkit for Cross-Cutting Interactions in Visualization ↗
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Standard user applications provide a range of cross-cutting interaction techniques that are common to virtually all such tools: selection, filtering, navigation, layer management, and cut-and-paste.We present VisDock, a JavaScript mixin library that provides a core set of these cross-cutting interaction techniques for visualization, including selection (lasso, paths, shape selection, etc), layer management (visibility, transparency, set operations, etc), navigation (pan, zoom, overview, magnifying lenses, etc), and annotation (point-based, region-based, data-space based, etc). To showcase the utility of the library, we have released it as Open Source and integrated it with a large number of existing web-based visualizations. Furthermore, we have evaluated VisDock using qualitative studies with both developers utilizing the toolkit to build new web-based visualizations, as well as with end-users utilizing it to explore movie ratings data. Results from these studies highlight the usability and effectiveness of the toolkit from both developer and end-user perspectives.
pdf ThemeDelta: Dynamic Segmentations over Temporal Topic Models ↗
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We present ThemeDelta, a visual analytics system for extracting and visualizing temporal trends, clustering, and reorganization in time-indexed textual datasets. ThemeDelta is supported by a dynamic temporal segmentation algorithm that integrates with topic modeling algorithms to identify change points where significant shifts in topics occur. This algorithm detects not only the clustering and associations of keywords in a time period, but also their convergence into topics (groups of keywords) that may later diverge into new groups. The visual representation of ThemeDelta uses sinuous, variable-width lines to show this evolution on a timeline, utilizing color for categories, and line width for keyword strength. We demonstrate how interaction with ThemeDelta helps capture the rise and fall of topics by analyzing archives of historical newspapers, of U.S. presidential campaign speeches, and of social messages collected through iNeighbors, a web-based social website. ThemeDelta was evaluated using a qualitative expert user study involving three researchers from rhetoric and history using the historical newspapers corpus.
pdf Munin: A Peer-to-Peer Middleware for Ubiquitous Analytics and Visualization Spaces ↗
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We present Munin, a software framework for building ubiquitous analytics environments consisting of multiple input and output surfaces, such as tabletop displays, wall-mounted displays, and mobile devices. Munin utilizes a service-based model where each device provides one or more dynamically loaded services for input, display, or computation. Using a peer-to-peer model for communication, it leverages IP multicast to replicate the shared state among the peers. Input is handled through a shared event channel that lets input and output devices be fully decoupled. It also provides a data-driven scene graph to delegate rendering to peers, thus creating a robust, fault-tolerant, decentralized system. In this paper, we describe Munin's general design and architecture, provide several examples of how we are using the framework for ubiquitous analytics and visualization, and present a case study on building a Munin assembly for multidimensional visualization. We also present performance results and anecdotal user feedback for the framework that suggests that combining a service-oriented, data-driven model with middleware support for data sharing and event handling eases the design and execution of high performance distributed visualizations.
pdf VASA: Interactive Computational Steering of Large Asynchronous Simulation Pipelines for Societal Infrastructure ↗
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We present VASA, a visual analytics platform consisting of a desktop application, a component model, and a suite of distributed simulation components for modeling the impact of societal threats such as weather, food contamination, and traffic on critical infrastructure such as supply chains, road networks, and power grids. Each component encapsulates a high-fidelity simulation model that together form an asynchronous simulation pipeline: a system of systems of individual simulations with a common data and parameter exchange format. At the heart of VASA is theWorkbench, a visual analytics application providing three distinct features: (1) low-fidelity approximations of the distributed simulation components using local simulation proxies to enable analysts to interactively configure a simulation run; (2) computational steering mechanisms to manage the execution of individual simulation components; and (3) spatiotemporal and interactive methods to explore the combined results of a simulation run. We showcase the utility of the platform using examples involving supply chains during a hurricane as well as food contamination in a fast food restaurant chain.
pdf DIA2: Web-based Cyberinfrastructure for Visual Analytics of Funding Portfolios ↗
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We present a design study of the Deep Insights Anywhere, Anytime (DIA2) platform, a web-based visual analytics system that allows program managers and academic staff at the U.S. National Science Foundation to search, view, and analyze their research funding portfolio. The goal of this system is to facilitate usersʼ understanding of both past and currently active research awards in order to make more informed decisions of their future funding. This user group is characterized by high expertise yet not necessarily high literacy in visualization and visual analytics--they are essentially "casual experts"--and thus require careful visual and information design, including adhering to user experience standards, providing a self-instructive interface, and progressively refining visualizations to minimize complexity. We discuss the challenges of designing a system for "casual experts" and highlight how we addressed this issue by modeling the organizational structure and workflows of the NSF within our system. We discuss each stage of the design process, starting with formative interviews, participatory design, prototypes, and
pdf Visual Analytics for Multimodal Social Network Analysis: A Design Study with Social Scientists ↗
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Social network analysis (SNA) is becoming increasingly concerned not only with actors and their relations, but also with distinguishing between different types of such entities. For example, social scientists may want to investigate asymmetric relations in organizations with strict chains of command, or incorporate non-actors such as conferences and projects when analyzing co-authorship patterns. Multimodal social networks are those where actors and relations belong to different types, or modes, and multimodal social network analysis (mSNA) is accordingly SNA for such networks. In this paper, we present a design study that we conducted with several social scientist collaborators on how to support mSNA using visual analytics tools. Based on an open-ended, formative design process, we devised a visual representation called parallel node-link bands (PNLBs) that splits modes into separate bands and renders connections between adjacent ones, similar to the list view in Jigsaw. We then used the tool in a qualitative evaluation involving five social scientists whose feedback informed a second design phase that incorporated additional network metrics. Finally, we conducted a second qualitative evaluation with our social scientist collaborators that provided further insights on the utility of the PNLBs representation and the potential of visual analytics for mSNA.
pdf Stack Zooming for Multi-Focus Interaction in Skewed-Aspect Visual Spaces ↗
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Many 2D visual spaces have a virtually one-dimensional nature with very high aspect ratio between the dimensions: examples include time-series data, multimedia data such as sound or video, text documents, and bipartite graphs. Common among these is that the space can become very large, e.g., temperature measurements could span a long time period, surveillance video could cover entire days or weeks, and documents can have thousands of pages. Many analysis tasks for such spaces require several foci while retaining context and distance awareness. In this extended version of our IEEE PacificVis 2010 paper, we introduce a method for supporting this kind of multi-focus interaction that we call stack zooming. The approach is based on building hierarchies of 1D strips stacked on top of each other, where each subsequent stack represents a higher zoom level, and sibling strips represent branches in the exploration. Correlation graphics show the relation between stacks and strips of different levels, providing context and distance awareness for the foci. The zoom hierarchies can also be used as graphical histories and for communicating insights to stakeholders, and can be further extended with annotation and integrated statistics.
pdf Toward Visualization for Games: Theory, Design Space, and Patterns ↗
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Electronic games are starting to incorporate in-game telemetry that collects data about player, team, and community performance on a massive scale, and as data begins to accumulate, so does the demand for effectively analyzing this data. In this paper, we use examples from both old and new games of different genres to explore the theory and design space of visualization for games. Drawing on these examples, we define a design space for this novel research topic and use it to formulate design patterns for how to best apply visualization technology to games. We then discuss the implications that this new framework will potentially have on the design and development of game and visualization technology in the future.
pdf Evaluating the Role of Time in Investigative Analysis of Document Collections ↗
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Time is a universal and essential aspect of data in any investigative analysis. It helps analysts establish causality, build storylines from evidence, and reject infeasible hypotheses. For this reason, many investigative analysis tools provide visual representations designed for making sense of temporal data. However, the field of visual analytics still needs more evidence explaining how temporal visualization actually aids the analysis process, as well as design recommendations for how to build these visualizations. To fill this gap, we conducted an insight-based qualitative study to investigate the influence of temporal visualization on investigative analysis. We found that visualizing temporal information helped participants externalize chains of events. Another contribution of our work is the lightweight evaluation approach used to collect, visualize, and analyze insight.
pdf Color Lens: Adaptive Color Scale Optimization for Visual Exploration ↗
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Visualization applications routinely map quantitative attributes to color using color scales. Although color is an effective visualization channel, it is limited by both display hardware and the human visual system. We propose a new interaction technique that overcomes these limitations by dynamically optimizing color scales based on a set of sampling lenses. The technique inspects the lens contents in data space, optimizes the initial color scale, and then renders the contents of the lens to the screen using the modified color scale. We present two prototype implementations of this pipeline and describe several case studies involving both information visualization and image inspection applications. We validate our approach with two mutually linked and complementary user studies comparing the Color Lens with explicit contrast control for visual search.
pdf Mélange: Space Folding for Visual Exploration ↗
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Navigating in large geometric spaces---such as maps, social networks, or long documents---typically require a sequence of pan and zoom actions. However, this strategy is often ineffective and cumbersome, especially when trying to study and compare several distant objects. We propose a new distortion technique that folds the intervening space to guarantee visibility of multiple focus regions. The folds themselves show contextual information and support unfolding and paging interactions. We conducted a study comparing the space-folding technique to existing approaches, and found that participants performed significantly better with the new technique. We also describe how to implement this distortion technique, and give an in-depth case study on how to apply it to the visualization of large-scale 1D time-series data.
pdf Hierarchical Aggregation for Information Visualization: Overview, Techniques and Design Guidelines ↗
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We present a model for building, visualizing, and interacting with multiscale representations of information visualization techniques using hierarchical aggregation. The motivation for this work is to make visual representations more visually scalable and less cluttered. The model allows for augmenting existing techniques with multiscale functionality, as well as for designing new visualization and interaction techniques that conform to this new class of visual representations. We give some examples of how to use the model for standard information visualization techniques such as scatterplots, parallel coordinates, and node-link diagrams, and discuss existing techniques that are based on hierarchical aggregation. This yields a set of design guidelines for aggregated visualizations. We also present a basic vocabulary of interaction techniques suitable for navigating these multiscale visualizations.
pdf Towards Utilizing GPUs in Information Visualization: A Model and Implementation of Image-Space Operations ↗
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Modern programmable GPUs represent a vast potential in terms of performance and visual flexibility for information visualization research, but surprisingly few applications even begin to utilize this potential. In this paper, we conjecture that this may be due to the mismatch between the high-level abstract data types commonly visualized in our field, and the low-level floating-point model supported by current GPU shader languages. To help remedy this situation, we present a refinement of the traditional information visualization pipeline that is amenable to implementation using GPU shaders. The refinement consists of a final image-space step in the pipeline where the multivariate data of the visualization is sampled in the resolution of the current view. To concretize the theoretical aspects of this work, we also present a visual programming environment for constructing visualization shaders using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Finally, we give some examples of the use of shaders for well-known visualization techniques.
pdf Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation ↗
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Scatterplots remain one of the most popular and widely-used visual representations for multidimensional data due to their simplicity, familiarity and visual clarity, even if they lack some of the flexibility and visual expressiveness of newer multidimensional visualization techniques. This paper presents new interactive methods to explore multidimensional data using scatterplots. This exploration is performed using a matrix of scatterplots that gives an overview of the possible configurations, thumbnails of the scatterplots, and support for interactive navigation in the multidimensional space. Transitions between scatterplots are performed as animated rotations in 3D space, somewhat akin to rolling dice. Users can iteratively build queries using bounding volumes in the dataset, sculpting the query from different viewpoints to become more and more refined. Furthermore, the dimensions in the navigation space can be reordered, manually or automatically, to highlight salient correlations and differences among them. An example scenario presents the interaction techniques supporting smooth and effortless visual exploration of multidimensional datasets.
pdf A Taxonomy of 3D Occlusion Management for Visualization ↗
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While an important factor in depth perception, the occlusion effect in 3D environments also has a detrimental impact on tasks involving discovery, access, and spatial relation of objects in a 3D visualization. A number of interactive techniques have been developed in recent years to directly or indirectly deal with this problem using a wide range of different approaches. In this paper, we build on previous work on mapping out the problem space of 3D occlusion by defining a taxonomy of the design space of occlusion management techniques in an effort to formalize a common terminology and theoretical framework for this class of interactions. We classify a total of 50 different techniques for occlusion management using our taxonomy and then go on to analyze the results, deriving a set of five orthogonal design patterns for effective reduction of 3D occlusion. We also discuss the "gaps" in the design space, areas of the taxonomy not yet populated with existing techniques, and use these to suggest future research directions into occlusion management.