pdf Motion-Pointing: Target Selection using Elliptical Motions ↗
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We present a novel method called motion-pointing for selecting a set of visual items, such as push-buttons or radio-buttons, without actually pointing to them. Instead, each potential target displays an animated point we call the driver. To select a specific item, the user only has to imitate the motion of its driver using the input device. Once the motion has been recognized by the system, the user can confirm the selection to trigger the action. We consider cyclic motions on an elliptic trajectory with a specific period, and study the most effective methods for real-time matching such a trajectory, as well as the range of parameters a human can reliably reproduce. We then show how to implement motion-pointing in real applications using an interaction technique we call move-and-stroke. Finally, we measure the input throughput and error rate of move-and-stroke in a controlled experiment. We show that the selection time is linearly proportional to the number of input bits conveyed up to 6 bits, confirming that motion-pointing is a practical input method.
pdf Dynamic Transparency for 3D Visualization: Design and Evaluation ↗
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Recent developments in occlusion management for 3D environments often involve the use of dynamic transparency, or "virtual X-ray vision", to promote target discovery and access in complex 3D worlds. However, there are many different approaches to achieving this effect and their actual utility for the user has yet to be evaluated. Furthermore, the introduction of semitransparent surfaces adds additional visual complexity that may actually have a negative impact on task performance. In this paper, we report on an empirical user study investigating these human aspects of dynamic transparency. Our implementation of the technique is an image-space algorithm built using modern programmable shaders to achieve real-time performance and visually pleasing results. Results from the user study indicate that dynamic transparency provides superior performance for perceptual tasks in terms of both efficiency and correctness. Subjective ratings are also firmly in favor of the method.
pdf Towards Utilizing GPUs in Information Visualization: A Model and Implementation of Image-Space Operations ↗
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Modern programmable GPUs represent a vast potential in terms of performance and visual flexibility for information visualization research, but surprisingly few applications even begin to utilize this potential. In this paper, we conjecture that this may be due to the mismatch between the high-level abstract data types commonly visualized in our field, and the low-level floating-point model supported by current GPU shader languages. To help remedy this situation, we present a refinement of the traditional information visualization pipeline that is amenable to implementation using GPU shaders. The refinement consists of a final image-space step in the pipeline where the multivariate data of the visualization is sampled in the resolution of the current view. To concretize the theoretical aspects of this work, we also present a visual programming environment for constructing visualization shaders using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Finally, we give some examples of the use of shaders for well-known visualization techniques.